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Train with Tara

Incubated to become independent CiC



2021 - 22


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Tara has been at the heart of innovative wellbeing community projects for over ten years. Now Tara is her own boss developing running and wellbeing programmes with groups of women across Greenwich blending both private and public funding streams.

Incubating ideas

Tara had been employed delivering bespoke targeted running programmes with women for several years but the time had come for her to take it to the next level. She was passionate about exercise reaching people who might not normally be able to participate because of cost, self confidence and general health issues. Tara and Clare worked together and explored business models which would work best for her and hone her ideas. During this time Train with Tara was incubated within The Big Red Kick, using the Kickss fincial and administrative support to deliver Taras services. This meant the Kick could secure funding for Tara whilst she tred out new ideas and worked with participants to create programmes that really fitted their needs. The Big Red Kick had all the project and contract management experience,  policies and procedures , relevant insurances and gave her the freedom to explore before she was ready to completely head out on her own and importantly the evaluation framework to demonstrate her impact to funders. Whilst Tara was incubated at the Big Red Kick we were able to support her business skills to enable her to run a CIC herself and give her the confidence that she could do this.

Once Tara had decided that the CIC model was for her, she had a bit of a struggle as she was currently just one woman who saw a need and understood how to help. Clare worked with Tara to search and recruit co directors who understood her vision and were committed to her organisations goals.

Whilst incubated within The Big Kick Train with Tara secured two grants worth up to 7K.

This has given Train with Tara  the track record and experience of delivering on grant outcomes that she needed to be able to now bid for grants in her own right alongside providing her low cost running coaching through her CIC.

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