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The Big Red Kick CIC mission is to empower
marginalised women to become agents of change. We
help women generate community wealth and make their
labour economically viable in the not for profit sector, be that  projects, small
charities, or social enterprises. Our initiatives include
consultancy, training, research, and evaluation all focusing
on women with lived experience of the communities they serve.

We offer support to create
economic independence in the face of deprivation and the intersectional barriers that create inequality, 

including community development,  strategic support, capacity-building training, and co-production programs.


Our Story

Our mission originated from The Big Red Bus Club, a small family wellbeing charity based in a local park in a deprived neighborhood in Charlton. As a charity, women developed projects and ideas that would benefit the community but were not part of the charity's main objectives. The Big Red Kick was born to support those big ideas and make them a reality.

Meet the Team

Our Clients

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